
推廣 Peqaboo 的所需資源

關於 Peqaboo
Facts about Peqaboo


我們是寵物主人和商家在強大的Boo AI的幫助下進行社交、互動、銷售和探索的超級應用程式。 Peqaboo 於 2024 年 7 月推出,是第一個將先鋒生成式 AI 技術融入寵物分析工具的平台,幫助數百萬寵物主人識別他們心愛的寵物面臨的未知危險。不僅如此,Peqaboo 還創建了連接世界各地寵物主人的社交空間,以便他們可以分享、交流和聚會。

Peqaboo 也透過推出「Boo 推薦」購物體驗徹底改變了寵物零售業。我們的Boo AI會針對商家的產品進行訓練,依照使用者的實際需求,推薦最優惠的價格,進而提高銷售量。我們提供一系列由 Boo AI 提供支援的進階分析,幫助商家優化他們的產品和策略。

Peqaboo 以無盡的刺激和無限的可愛,準備徹底改變寵物主人和企業與寵物行業的互動方式。不要錯過成為這個創新生態系統一部分的機會!

Peqaboo is the leading AI technology platform specialized in the pet industry.

We are the super-app for pet owners and merchants to socialize, interact, sell, and explore, with the help of powerful Boo AI. Launched in July 2024, Peqaboo is the first platform integrates pioneering generative AI technology for pet analytics tools, helping millions of pet owners to identify unknown danger for their beloved pets. More than that, Peqaboo creates social spaces connecting worldwide pet owners to share, communicate and gather.

Peqaboo is also revolutionizing the pet retail industry by introducing “Boo Recommends” shopping experience. Our Boo AI will be trained on the products of merchants and recommend the best deal to our users based on their actual needs, and boost the sales. We offer a range of advanced analytics powered by Boo AI to help merchants optimize their offerings and strategies.

With endless excitement and endless doses of cuteness, Peqaboo is poised to revolutionize the way pet owners and businesses engage with the pet industry. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this innovative ecosystem!

What do we create?

我們是寵物愛好者和寵物主人的社會。 Peqaboo 是您的口袋助手,可以監控、分析並為您提供建議。我們也與全球數千個優秀寵物品牌合作,提供無縫的寵物飼養體驗,從社交到購物只需一個應用程式即可完成。

We are the society of pet lovers and pet owners. Peqaboo is the assistant in your pocket that monitors, analyzes, and generates advice specifically for you. We also work with thousands of outstanding pet brands worldwide to provide a seamless pet keeping experience, from socializing to shopping in one app.

𝗕𝗢𝗢 𝗔𝗜 𝗔𝗣𝗣|𝗣𝗲𝗾𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗼


推廣 Peqaboo 的所需資源

關於 Peqaboo。 Facts about Peqaboo


我們是寵物主人和商家在強大的Boo AI的幫助下進行社交、互動、銷售和探索的超級應用程式。 Peqaboo 於 2024 年 7 月推出,是第一個將先鋒生成式 AI 技術融入寵物分析工具的平台,幫助數百萬寵物主人識別他們心愛的寵物面臨的未知危險。不僅如此,Peqaboo 還創建了連接世界各地寵物主人的社交空間,以便他們可以分享、交流和聚會。

Peqaboo 也透過推出「Boo 推薦」購物體驗徹底改變了寵物零售業。我們的Boo AI會針對商家的產品進行訓練,依照使用者的實際需求,推薦最優惠的價格,進而提高銷售量。我們提供一系列由 Boo AI 提供支援的進階分析,幫助商家優化他們的產品和策略。

Peqaboo 以無盡的刺激和無限的可愛,準備徹底改變寵物主人和企業與寵物行業的互動方式。不要錯過成為這個創新生態系統一部分的機會!

Peqaboo is the leading AI technology platform specialized in the pet industry.

We are the super-app for pet owners and merchants to socialize, interact, sell, and explore, with the help of powerful Boo AI. Launched in July 2024, Peqaboo is the first platform integrates pioneering generative AI technology for pet analytics tools, helping millions of pet owners to identify unknown danger for their beloved pets. More than that, Peqaboo creates social spaces connecting worldwide pet owners to share, communicate and gather.

Peqaboo is also revolutionizing the pet retail industry by introducing “Boo Recommends” shopping experience. Our Boo AI will be trained on the products of merchants and recommend the best deal to our users based on their actual needs, and boost the sales. We offer a range of advanced analytics powered by Boo AI to help merchants optimize their offerings and strategies.

With endless excitement and endless doses of cuteness, Peqaboo is poised to revolutionize the way pet owners and businesses engage with the pet industry. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this innovative ecosystem!

我們想創造些甚麼? What do we create?

我們是寵物愛好者和寵物主人的社會。 Peqaboo 是您的口袋助手,可以監控、分析並為您提供建議。我們也與全球數千個優秀寵物品牌合作,提供無縫的寵物飼養體驗,從社交到購物只需一個應用程式即可完成。

We are the society of pet lovers and pet owners. Peqaboo is the assistant in your pocket that monitors, analyzes, and generates advice specifically for you. We also work with thousands of outstanding pet brands worldwide to provide a seamless pet keeping experience, from socializing to shopping in one app.






請隨時來信 hello@peqaboo.com