Most popular AI APP for Pet Owners! May Boo be with your pets!

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Most popular AI APP for Pet Owners! May Boo be with your pets!

Download peqaboo appstore
Download peqaboo google playstore


Grow your pet business

Grow your pet business

with Peqaboo AI

with Peqaboo AI


directly targeting Pets

directly targeting Pets

214 pet products analysed by Boo AI

Generated a product description better pitch your customers

5.4k more orders received through Boo Recommendations

214 pet products analysed by Boo AI

Generated a product description better pitch your customers

5.4k more orders received through Boo Recommendations

214 pet products analysed by Boo AI

Generated a product description better pitch your customers

5.4k more orders received through Boo Recommendations

Empowering Boo AI to know your products, services and pricing.
We care for your Sales.

Empowering Boo AI to know your products, services and pricing.
We care for your Sales.

Empowering Boo AI to know your products, services and pricing.
We care for your Sales.

Beat your competitors by using Boo AI✨

We help you to launch products easier and faster with attractive products details pitch with simply “Click to Apply”.

Forget the excel! Analyze your sales data and get insights with human readable message, and also advices for next move to scale.

peqaboo beat other merchants using ai

Beat your competitors by using

Boo AI✨

We help you to launch products easier and faster with attractive products details pitch with simply “Click to Apply”.

Forget the excel! Analyze your sales data and get insights with human readable message, and also advices for next move to scale.

peqaboo beat other merchants using ai
peqaboo beat other merchants using ai

Best online store channel for

Best online store channel for

Pet store owners

Pet store owners

DIY hobbyist

DIY hobbyist

Pet service providers

Pet service providers

Pet brands

Pet brands

Set-up AI assistant for your Peqaboo store

Set-up AI assistant for your Peqaboo store

Answer customers’ queries 24/7

Answer customers’ queries 24/7

Trained based on your store products and services

Trained based on your store products and services

High-precision and flexible answers, based on your preference

High-precision and flexible answers, based on your preference

In-store AI product tag

In-store AI product tag

Allow customers to scan the products in your store

Allow customers to scan the products in your store

Boo AI will analyses the compatibility with the pets profile, and recommend choice of products

Boo AI will analyses the compatibility with the pets profile, and recommend choice of products

Even works with time-limited promotions! Find the best deal for the customers and boost sales.

Even works with time-limited promotions! Find the best deal for the customers and boost sales.

Recurring purchase

Recurring purchase

Boo AIhelps you to encourage recurring purchase

for pet products

Boo AI✨ helps you to encourage recurring purchase for pet products

AI-features are applicable to certain business plans

Join Peqaboo’s Global Network

Join Peqaboo’s Global Network

Retail & Wholesale

Retail & Wholesale

✨ #1 AI-Powered Business Kit for Pet Industry

✨ #1 AI-Powered Business Kit for Pet Industry

✨ No upfront cost or fixed commitment

✨ No upfront cost or fixed commitment

✨ Support for individual pet lovers to chain brands

✨ Support for individual pet lovers to chain brands

Unlimited possibilities

Unlimited possibilities

Connect with global pet owners directly on Peqaboo

Connect with global pet owners directly on Peqaboo

Promote your brands and products seamlessly

Promote your brands and products seamlessly

AI-translated content for product localization

AI-translated content for product localization

Invite Pet-OLs to join your promotion scheme

Invite Pet-OLs to join your promotion scheme